need advice

Hello, everyone my grammar is horrible so stick with me 😅(i'm really insecure about it) I was getting some pain down there and I was worried It was a UTI so I went to the doctor and found out nothing was with my bladder so then my doctor suggested that I could have an STI Of course I freaked out immediately. Later that day I told my boyfriend what had happened and he believes he has had an STI in the past and he thinks it's all his fault that I'm in this position. We have always used condoms since Ive known about his past. When we first started having sex I was also checked and was clean. Once I told him that it's possible that I might have a STI he got so upset and frustrated. He took it to heart. I don't get my results till Monday so there is a chance I might not have anything at all. He didn't talk to me for a few days and now he hasn't been wanting to see me. He claims that he can't get over how bad he feels and for putting me through this. But I told him that it was both of our decisions to have sex it wasn't all him. He wants to take the whole blame and he is being extra hard on himself. At first I understand he might need something time to process the situation but now it's going to be 4 days. I feel like he is being ridiculous and is dragging on the problem. Ive tried everything to make him feel better but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know what to do.Â