scheduled delivery?

Is anyone else feeling really anxious to meet their little? I'm 29.4 and can't seem to shake the crave of having him here already. This will be my first baby, and I totally want him to bake for as long as he needs. But I find myself with the selfish thought "bake for as long as you need, and then come on out. Don't get cozy kid." I just
Can't wait to meet him. And his kicks don't help, they shake my entire belly and I can't help but wonder if he feels the same way too. 
It never occurred to me that I could schedule my delivery, until my mom pointed out that it might be a good idea since I live almost an hour away from my Dr. 
Has anyone else scheduled their delivery? If so, do you think it was worth it? 
Has anyone else been patient enough to deliver full term? Was this any better? 
I was thinking somewhere around 37 weeks? Is it even possible to schedule it that early, or is it like a day or two before your due date? 
I realize that he can come on his own time, maybe even before a proposed schedule. But I have a feeling if I leave it up to him, I'll be one of those Mom's who's pregnant past 40 weeks. 
I know the exact date that my son was conceived so I'm really not trying to delay this process past the norm. 
But then again, a part of me wants to experience the spontaneity of my water breaking, or having a natural beginning labor experience too.