Where is our relationship going?

My boyfriend and I are coming upon our 4 years together and we live 1 hr 30 min away (we go to separate colleges). But we have the same hometown. Lately, our LDR is getting even more tough. Our schedules during the school year are always conflicting. We see eachother about once a month. We love each other very much and have gone through so much together.
 The thing is, when we do talk to each other daily, our conversations have been incredibly monotonous. It feels like we are getting bored with eachother and we are not sure if we are together just to be together and avoid being lonely. And when we are finally together face-to-face, it feels like we've been living separate lives and we are growing further apart. But, other time it feels like my feelings haven't changed for him since the first time we started dating. 
We've talked about this a lot over the weekend and we decided that we need to pay attention to each other more and appreciate what we have and not take the little things for granted. Deep down we both know that we can be enough for each other but we are not sure what needs to change in order to continue to stay together. I guess I'm just looking for help with this situation because I don't want to give up on us, but I also don't want either of us to waste time if we really can't mend our relationship. I want to give anything a try. We both know that we are good for each other but we seem to be getting further away from who we used to be. 
EDIT: We also are both diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, so maybe that might play a factor (?) I'm not sure.