Waiting Game

My last period was April 12th-16th and my periods always comes on the same exact day every month, so pretty regular. The day I was expected to ovulate (sorry if that's not what it's called) was April 30th. I experienced some very light bleeding maybe once or twice a day from May 2nd-4th. My period was then supposed to come May 12th.. It's May 21st, I haven't been so worried about it. Although we are trying to conceive I don't try to think about it. I took a pregnancy test around the 10th (negative) and then again probably the 14th (negative). I used the Walmart .88 ones and don't know if those are reliable. I just hope I'm blessed this time, and hoping for the best! I'm afraid to get another negative so I decided to wait it out and see if my period comes by June 1st (I know that's a long time) but if it doesn't come by then I'm going to buy another test and take it, if it's still negative I plan on going to the Gynecologist to see what's going on. I just hope things work out, it's been 4 years of trying and no luck!