Am I about to ovulate?

Jennifer • FurMama🐶, AngelMama👶🏽, & a RainbowMama!🌈
This is my first month tracking bbt. I had to buy one so my tracking started a few days after my period ended. Anywhoooo: Today my temp dipped waay down.. would you say ovulation is about to occur? (Yesterday's temp is up there but discarded because I woke up to pee 2 hours before my temp time, so I didn't count it). Either way, my temp still dropped lower than normal. My apps are predicting tomorrow as my ovulation day too. It has to rise for 3 consecutive days to count as ovulation, right?
Just trying to make sense of BBT!😅✨✨✨
(No, I don't use ovulation kits yet. In case you're wondering lol.)