Mucus plug no pics attached.

Britni • Wife💜 Mommy of 2 👧🏼👧🏼
I think I lost my mucus plug. I woke up and after using the restroom I wiped and there was a thick mucusy looking stuff. At first I dismissed it but then through out the day after using the restroom I noticed globs of mucusy looking things in the toilet not overly big but big enough to notice and question what they may be. Not tinged with any red or brown. No constant cramping but definitely having braxton hicks but I've been but noticing them more often. Anyone else loose theirs yet? I have my ob appt this afternoon and planning on mentioning this to them. I know you can loose it a few weeks before labor and it can also regenerate itself I guess from what I read online. I'm only 33 weeks and 4 days so it's too early for baby to come right now!