I left him now I regret it .

Ladies what do I do ? I was staying with my other half ... I'm 22 weeks pregnant ... I still managed to cook , clean , work , and make sure he has clean clothes for work . Well all he does is throws his mess all over the place and doesn't bother with picking it up . Leaves piss stains in the toilet sometimes I stinks so bad I catch headaches ..leaves blood in the sink after brushing his teeth . Leaves paper plates everywhere . Donuts on the floor , stains in the sofa 🤦🏾‍♀️ when I cook he eats up the food and he also leaves his stinky underwear everywhere . BUT he wants sex from me . So I left him and decided to give us a break . Well long story short . He decides to block my number etc , calls me a sad excuse for a mom , then tells me our son will ask us why we aren't together . I know I'm not in the wrong 😑