How'd you feel when you found out you had an STD?

Today I had a lovely visit with Planned Parenthood in NYC. I was getting back on my birth control that I recently gave up on. So they of course do multiple testing to check up on you down there, including a pregnancy test, any infections and STDs. And I left there unsure of how to feel. I found out I have genital warts. Yes, a very common STD, but still an STD. I left feeling ashamed, embarrassed, uncomfortable in my own skin not only because I wasn't even aware or assumed I would never get one but because no one bothered to mention they had it. I got a disease from another human that I trusted with my skin, my body. And someone wronged me. Who? I'm not sure.. But now I'm forced to deal with telling people this. I have to tell my husband one day when we go to make a child that he'll get it too. And yes, It could be worse, there are worse deseases and I am thankful is the most non-threatening one. But I'm hurt and not sure how to deal with this. Anyone gone through this that can offer some words of advice?