Sperm Motility 50?

Kristy • 29, Mama to miracle baby girl after 3+ years of infertility, Dog mom, Speech-Language Pathologist, TTC baby #2
Hi! So my husband got back the results from his semen analysis over the phone and said the medical assistant told him "he's the problem" and that his motility is 50/50...has anyone had any success getting a natural BFP with motility 50%? Of course he didn't ask other questions, and we have the appointment with the doctor on Friday, but I'm just nervous. He isn't the only problem. I had blocked tubes which they cleared during an HSG, my FSH was 5.4, and I'm awaiting results from my transvaginal ultrasound (I only have 1 ovary). I'm 26 and he's 29. 
From what I read online, 50% may not be as bad? I'm just freaking out because I thought his results would be normal. Any advice on how to increase motility and any success or unsuccess stories are GREATLY appreciated!