Overly Joyous.... A Hidden Secret

My Husband has been dealing with Heart issues since Nov. 2016, these have escalated and there was a point I thought I was going to lose him due to phantom heart attacks that were wreaking havoc in our lives. At this point, I decided it was time to TTC because if I were to lose my Husband, I would have lost the most incredible, kind-hearted, sweetest, most selfless part of my life. I knew having a child, of our own, would keep that piece of him with me forever. We're now 10w3d pregnant and we have learned today, via CT Scan there is nothing wrong with my Husband's heart. It was all diet related; turns out he's Gluten & Dairy Intolerant, among other allergies. After lots of research and countless nights of crying and trying to figure out how to cook for him we're finally finding the groove of our new lifestyle. His heart still beats too hard, too fast at some points in time but it's manageable. It's not Heart Disease like a previous Cardiologist "assumed". If you were to see my Huntsmen, Mountain Bike Riding, physically fit Husband, you'd know these "assumptions" terrified us and made us fear the worst. I now feel that I've been blessed twice and I couldn't be happier. My heart is SO full of gratitude! 

I felt the need to share because no one really knows the real reason behind our surprise pregnancy. And now, I can finally let it off my chest ❤️