Boyfriends scoliosis

Courtney • CMT major 👩🏻‍🎓👷🏻‍♀️ | 💜 WSU | Colby D Simmons 💕 | PCOS fighter 👊|
My boyfriend has scoliosis and is always in severe back pain. We have talked about getting a rod in his back but with a rod he can't continue working in Construction so he denyed it. Right now he doesn't have good health insurance and can't afford physical therapy or going to the doctors often. Last night he was in tears for hours due to muscle spasms in his back. He takes ibuprofen but it only helps some of the time, he has muscle relaxers that don't do anything and biofreeze that we put on in the morning that lasts for a bit while he's in machinery. I'm going to try essential oils to see if that will help.. any other ideas that could possibly help??