Exercise and period

Hi, okay so I'm almost 3 days late for my period and something just feels off about it. I haven't had my usual symptoms (I'm 18 and I have had my period since I was 12 and it's always been the same deal every month except my cramps have gotten progressively worse the past few years). I haven't gotten any acne, hardly any cramps at all, no back pain, no terrible headaches. I've only had hot flashes and stomach issues which are relatively normal during, but not before my period. I have a boyfriend of two years and we are not sexually active so according to biology and public sex ed classes I can't be pregnant. However, I have NEVER been late. And everything just feels off. Plus, I've been peeing about every two hours which is very abnormal for me since I can usually go around 5 unless I've been drinking more water than usually, which I haven't been. Anyways, I have just recently graduated high school and my boyfriend and I went on an 18 mile walk in one day a week ago. I was supposed to start my period Friday or Saturday but never have and so I've basically been freaking out and stressing because I don't know what's going on. I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he suggested that maybe I'm late because of the strenuous walk we went on last week. I was stressed out over exams, but that was two weeks ago and haven't been stressed since except now over my late period, so I don't believe it was stress. I haven't changed my diet or anything. Is it possible that the walk is causing me to be late? I go to the gynecologist in a couple weeks, but the thought of being late is driving me insane. I'm not on any type of birth control either, but have not had sex. Any thoughts on what this could be? Or any tips on how to induce my period? Anyone ever been in a similar situation?