BFP Chart due late January 2018

⭐Chy⭐ • Mom to five under age 6 & married 7 years....
So I've been charting and TTC for #4 for 8 months this time. I have unexplained secondary infertility. My third took fifteen months. I had a negative at 9dpo and stopped temping due to low temps near coverline so I thought I was out! Dead wrong it seems! Symptoms include cold sore in new location, fatigue, and heavy cramps so thought AF was on her way. Temp last night was 98.67 before goin to bed and I told myself if over 98 in the morning then test again! I had all hormones checked and ultrasound showed a cyst so doc wouldn't give me Clomid til next month after waiting two months for it to resolve. Nothing different this month other than hearing my SIL had another baby and it destroyed me but now I'm all smiles! Baby dust ladies!!!