drunk SO help...

So girls.. me and my SO got a little drunk Saturday night. We were out of town with a friend. He started to throw up so I sobered up and took him to the restroom and he started spitting up blood.. I'm fine with blood I'm a nursing major but knowing it was my guy freaked me out I started having a panick attack.. and he saw I was hurting and he pulled me up by my shirt to get up.. I then pulled it together and fixed him up cleaned the shower and took him to our room. He layed down and started throwing up on the bed and foaming.. I was trying to help him up and he didn't want to/let me. He heard me and was like leave me the fuck alone.. I was only trying to help.. I kept saying baby please get up this didn't our house our bed for you to be doing this... he then shoved me to the floor I hit my back and when I started to get up he hit my mouth by accident and told me.. to stay where I was (the floor) bcs I don't deserve to sleep on a fucking bed..
I slept on the floor and I'm so sad now I don't know if I should leave or not.. he's my other half for sure.. it's the first time he does this.. when he woke up he didn't remember it he felt like shit when he saw me sleeping on the floor..