Thoughts Please-Implantation or period

I am so confused. I don't know if this is implantating bleeding or my period, or what. My husband and I are trying for baby #2. Before I got pregnant with baby #1 (she's 2.5y), I didn't really track my periods but they were about 90 apart. After #1 I pumped exclusively for 5 months with no period and then started the pill right away. In mid Nov I stopped the pill and had a period at the end of Dec. I got my next period 105 days later on April 12. I'm not expecting my next period (if I don't get pregnant) until mid July. 2 days ago I had very light bleeding, hardly noticeable, and then since last night it's been a bit more and it's continuing now but it's still light. Could this be implantation bleeding or could my cycle have changed and it's my period. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!