getting the Nexaplanon out tomorrow to TTC

Liana • Mumma of 3 beautiful babies

how was your experience? without being rude did you gain or lose weight on the bar? how long did you have it in for and how long did it take for the doctor to get the bar out.

im 17 - almost 18, yes im TTC, ive had the nexaplanon for 2 years this october and my soon to be fiancé and I will be together for 2 years this year also. I watched my 19, y.o friend get hers out as she is TTC as well and it took 13 minutes plus 2 stitches! shes not huge but shes a bigger girl..and I was almost 100kgs when I got my bar in, im about 55 kilos now and wondering if that will make it harder for him to get out? in the photo which I took today you can practically see it in my arm, sticking out, and sometimes it stings a little because I can feel maybe that will make it easier?? I dont know lol this is why I want to hear your experiences! thank you lovely ladies!!