okay I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of criticism for this BUT...

My husband and I had our first little boy November 2016, he is 6 months old now and the light of our whole worlds. My husband just finished is masters degree and we thought we were finally done with school for a bit, BUT I was just informed that I got accepted in to my highly competitive nursing program for the spring 2019 semester, which is amazing!!!! I have to finish a handful of prerequisites which means I need to kick it in to high gear and make sure they are done in time (really no stress, 25 credits in 3 semesters time) okay this is the question though lol my husband and I only want 2 kids SO do we hurry and try to have number 2 before I begin my nursing program and while I'm just finishing these prerequisites or do we wait 3 and  Half years before trying for number 2?! We wanted them close, but maybe not this close lol but with only having 2 I don't want them almost 5 years apart! Advice??