I need advice!

Okay so this will be long, but ever since I first started my period at 11 years old, I have always had a little bit of discharge that was white/clear sometimes and it came and went, off and on. I have seen my nurse hundreds of times about it and she has prescribed me everything to fix the problem BUT it never goes away no matter what I take or do. 
Fast forward to when I turned 17, I got sick with a disease and had to do two rounds of radiation and ever since I went thru radiation, this discharge has been CONSTANT and heavier/thicker. So I tried taking medication for it again but it still will not fix it and make it go away.
I have honestly tried everything! I changed my diet completely, drank cranberry juice all the time, ate yogurt, I have done a cleanse, tried medication. Nothing will make it go away. It's becoming very frustrating because I'm now married and since it's always there, it's embarrassing when my husband and I want to have sex or if he wants to go down on me because it's just always there and it's gross! 
Please help me with advice! I've tried everything and have gone to doctors and nothing fixes it!