Birth Control Accessibility for Teens?

I'm just going to start with saying I'm 15 and a virgin. I am not currently in a relationship, and I don't think I see myself as having sex anytime soon. However, I have been looking into birth control options for awhile. My mom was on board for me being of the pill for period related reasons, and then asked my doctor if I needed to be seeing a gynecologist. Doctor was like "no, she's fine without one now", and now the birth control idea has been scrapped. I however still would like to be on it. I consider myself responsible, especially involving things like sex, but I would just like to be prepared. Please don't comment with something like "you're too young to be on birth control", that's not any help. What I've been looking into it specifics an IUD. Unfortunately I live in Texas, where for IUDs and practically any other form of birth control besides condoms are wary impossible to obtain with out parental permission. I've talked with my grandmother who was a health teacher for nearly 25 years, and she thinks it's a good idea. However I just want to see if anybody knows about ways to access hormonal birth control without parental permission, that isn't ludicrously expensive, and that I could get easily. Thank you.