we teen moms got this 💪🏼

Cindy • Mom of a beautiful baby boy💙

I got pregnant at 15 had my baby at 16. Yes, i lost friends, bitches talked shit but never to my face. Everyone thought I was too immature to be a mother I don't judge them I was bad but having my baby boy man that changed me. Man I love my kid like no other! I was never a girl to party so don't you feel sorry for me. Yes, I left school for almost a whole semester but still kept up with school. The school tried to keep me at mid-valley but that's just not how I roll I came back when everyone doubted expect for my momma.. I sit in class with no one cuz everyone is just fake. I'm on my own most of the time, man I love that shit. I proved everyone wrong this year, 8 more days of school left and I'm one of the top in my grade. Class rank im a 5! A GPA of 3.7 . Then, starting to do college courses during the summer. Don't get me wrong I was depressed because of everything I went through. I didn't know how I was gunna keep going, didn't even have my mans help but on the way I still had four friends standing by my side. I got through depression man I be feeling great! I can't wait for the next two years of high school cuz everything is just getting better! What I'm trying to say never give up no matter what! Love yourself & your life's babezz 😊.