Skinny isn't all it's cracked up to be...

I am SO tired of people giving me a hellish look when I go to the gym. They look at me like.. why are you even here? Your thin enough. Except who said I need to lose weight? I want to build muscles. You don't realize how many woman are taken advantage of. I want the muscles to take on whatever comes to me. I'm a kickboxing instructor and that still isn't enough to defend myself from someone. Another thing that hits home and hurts a lot is, when I was in high school people called me anorexic because I didn't eat at lunch. What they didn't realize is, I have a severe Dairy allergy and I was allergic to most of the stuff they had. Also my parents were poor so they could afford hot lunch. I brought cold lunch and would get hungry during class and eat it then. People still give me a look when I ask if there is dairy in things. Like wow your skinny and you worry about stupid things like your diet? Well yes lady because otherwise I'll go into anaphylactic shock and DIE. People look at me like I'm picky.. and I'm not.. I always feel the need to explain myself. I can't go into public wearing a belly shirt because other girls look at me like I'm a slut. I have self confidence issues and the one time I'm confident enough to show my mid section..(Mind you I wear jeans with this mid sleeve belly shirt) ..people make me feel wrong for it. I need your opinion. Maybe I'm wrong, but being skinny has just as much of a social negative impact on me as being Fat. I eat the same amount of food, due to my fast metabolism, I'm ALWAYS hungry. Yet I can't gain weight. But I'm always treated differently because of that. Called anorexic or a whore.... dude I can count the people I've fooled around with on 2 hands.. I'm not a whore. It doesn't seem fair.. just a rant from the other side of that spectrum.