Catholic School Problems 🙄

At my school, we have to take a special class each semester called bioethics. I'm taking it this semester and, thank the Lord, am almost finished with it. My teacher and many of my classmates are very discrininatory and, well, I'm just gonna say mean, towards the LGBT community. I myself believe that Jesus would have wanted us to love everyone; he wouldn't of created someone just to hate them, or to not let them receive the joy of marriage. If you truly love someone, for they're whole person, than I believe you have the right to marry that person(as long as they love you that same way).
My teacher will pull up "current events" each class from some sketchy looking websites. They'll feature(usually) transgender people and "why it's so wrong."
Many of my classmates(but not all; not all Christians are like this) will go in about how "bad" or "unnatural" they look, while I'm just sitting here like, "what's wrong with you guys? I though we were Christians?" They'll go into detail, talking about how, "they're shoulders are too broad," or how "ugly HE is." Complete and total disrespect for these human beings, these children of God.
You would think that the teacher would step in to stop the students from being so hateful and judgmental, but she doesn't, and that's not right. 
I know not all of you will share my opinion regarding the LGBT community, but it will never be right to degrade someone just because they are doing or did something you did not necessarily "like." It absolutely sickens me that my Christian school would allow this. I know that my schoool would probably never share my opinion either, but that doesn't give them the right to speak about people in such a mannor. They are being completely hippocritical with their talk about how every person deserves respect, and we should treat them all with kindness.
The problem is, I have no idea how to go about it. Should I tell my teacher that what's going on isn't right? Would that be disrespectful? I'm a very shy girl, and I've never spoken in that class.
(Please remember that all Chrsitians aren't like the ones at my school, and that no one should should be judged because they're Christian, just how LGBT persons shouldn't be judged because of how God made them!)