Dyslexic fiancé

Lindsey • engaged o3•o2
My fiancé has dyslexia and his mom calls him a fuck up and says she wishes he was never born and that he's to stupid to get a wife and that he'll never be happy. I love him with all my heart & his mom is a total bitch. She tells him that he's just going to fuck up in life. It hurts not only him but me to see him get hurt by her. She hates me because I told her she should not talk about my past (I use to self harm) and that it's my past. Him "uncle" tells him that he's just going to fuck up & that I will ruin his life. His family kicked him out & he called me, my family loves him like a son so we said we'll let him spend the night. His family fucked up his education and bullies him. His mom hit him with a belt until the age of 16, she gets mad at him whenever he can't understand a word or mixes letters around. I help him with his school work and homework . Please let people know that people with dyslexia aren't stupid or dumb, they are regular humans. And they learn but in a different way than others .