temporary custody/rights and visitation

What do I do? My daughters father abused me for a long time. I'm 21, he's 21, she's 10 months old. The abuse has been for 2 years. I finally left him but he still wants to see the baby. He wants her to stay overnight with him sometimes also but I don't want that because I have literally slept with her every single night since she was born. He doesn't do night time diaper changes or feedings because he would get angry. When I worked at night, she was 2 months old. I would come home to her screaming because he couldn't handle her crying. He would tell me "take her and make her stop crying!!!" "Just make her stop crying!!" Just this month he made Hailey (my baby) and I go to the couch because we were too loud for him and he got in my face this time as well to say this to me. I don't want her there overnight. But I need to make a schedule for us we're both off weekends so I need to know what I can do for a schedule to avoid court. And should I go get temporary custody?