pregnancy sickness

Emily • One miscarriage at 10weeks pregnant 08-7-16 Had my rainbow baby 01-17-18 Jaxson Joseph 💜 Pregnant again 2021❤️❤️
Hey ladies I am 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant I have been pregnant before but unfortunately it ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks along back in October of 2016 so I have never really felt pregnant , as of right now I am curled up in bed with a headache that just won't go away I feel so sick the thought of certain foods makes me want to throw up everywhere through I haven't thrown up I have been very nauseous I just all around feel gross now, I feel dumb asking this but is this normal? I have my first ultra sound June 9th and I am so nervous due to the fact the last time I was pregnant things didn't go so well