Couple's counseling successful?

Long story as short as possible, but my partner and I have gone off the rails like a crazy train.

I'm 21 weeks pregnant with our child, and we have just so much BS. We cannot talk without fighting, and I have a lot of bitterness and anger towards him.

We broke up May 9th (day after my bday), and then we didn't talk for over a week.

The other day we finally talked, and he jumped down my throat at first and just was so horrible, and said if I want to know where I stand, it's that we will never be together again.

Then the conversation took a turn when I asked if he'd be interested in counseling. I'm not ready to just end things. I'm having a baby with him, I love him to death, but we've stopped being friends. We've forgotten what we fell in love with, and just let everything else get in the way.

Anyways, so he was super on board for couple counseling, and will even pay for it. He said by the end of the conversation that he doesn't know where we are going, but this isn't the end all be all, and what I got from that is that he's not given up completely. But he asked if I was going to be okay if we don't work out. I asked him if his intentions going into counseling was to hopefully fix this or to just learn to coparent. I told him that my intention is to work on this and fight for us, but that if we don't work out I'll be okay, but I obviously want us to work. He seemed to want the same. I'm also pretty sure he accidentally called me babe at the end of that convo, but maybe I misheard.

We've hit an impasse and we either go left or right, but we can't keep standing in the same place.

When I finally got through to the counseling place they said it could be a 2 months wait. He seemed pretty disappointed in that, and asked if there was any way to speed it up. I used the pregnancy card, and we have a phone intake interview on Tuesday and then I think they schedule an appointment or we wait for an appointment. I have heard from them 2-4 weeks or 1-2 months. Not sure which is true now.

Since that conversation, we have talked to each other. Mostly planning for the baby, but the conversation has been good. No fighting, no talking about us. I'm letting all of that be for the counselor. However, it's kind of nice talking to him again in way that was not aggressive and mean. Like, we are trying to be friends, which we have lost sight of along the way.

Anyways, has anyone ever been to couples counseling? How did it work out for you? Am I being too hopeful?

I'm usually not a hopeful person, especially with how depressed I've been lately, so I take myself being mostly hopeful as a good thing. I just don't want to set myself up for hurt and failure, but I'm sure if we get to the point where we call it official quits, we will be at a better place with counseling to do so amicably.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: we did our intake Tuesday, and have both talked and are on the same page as for wanting this to work and being candid and transparent during the process, no matter how hard it is.