About to lose it

My son is 9 days old and I swear I haven't gotten more than 24 hours of sleep since he's been born total.

I get like a 1 hour nap every day if I am lucky but when he's asleep I clean, and pump, and do housework. My husband on the other hand has slept every night while on his 2 week maternity leave. I know I should ask him to help, but I feel like it's too much trouble to ask him to help me. I am afraid one day I will crash. When I do nap, my husband says it's hard to wake me. I am scared one day I will fall asleep driving, or taking care of baby and something bad will happen. I am frustrated because baby wakes up every hour and forty five mins and he feeds for 20-30, I burp him for 10, change him, then put him back to sleep and then I have to pump for 20 mins. If I don't pump, I get engorged quickly. I feel like I have no personal time for anything. I haven't gotten a good meal or rest in awhile. Does anyone else do this and power through it? Do you get help?