Slight Blood

Hi ladies!  I am currently 8 weeks. Yesterday morning I went to the bathroom and had a half a pea size blot clot when I wiped.  I automatically freaked out and was wiping every 5 mins to see if there was blood. I did seem to have a very very light pink discharge the few times I tried to wipe again. It was so slight I am wondering if I was just seeming things since I was panicking.  Thank goodness I had my first doctors appointment scheduled that day.  I had a miscarriage about 7 months ago so I was extra worried before my appointment.  The doctor said the baby looks good and had a heart rate of 165.  Although we were not able to hear it we did see the flicker :) With my history of having a miscarriage I am still a little worried.  Has anyone else experienced this blot clot situation?