Poor Self Image

My daughter is six weeks old today. Getting pregnant, getting through labor and delivery, and having a daughter has been nothing short of amazing.
But if I can be completely honest I'm struggling with self image and self worth right now. I feel FAT. I hate the way I look. I would understand if I had a belly because I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. But it is more than that. My arms are fat, my thighs are huge, I have a couple extra chains, & my face is so round I just feel awful!
I eat relatively healthy and have been trying to walk as much as possible. I did get a lot of stitches so I was struggling to exercise but now at six weeks I feel like I can take on more exercise. 
I don't even know where to start or how to lose weight or What kind of diet I should go on or what exercise I should do. 
Any advice... and before you respond trust me I am being patient, trust me I'm spending time and enjoying my baby, trust me I love my life. Understand self care and image is important and I'm doing this for me. I want to wake up feeling great, not fat and sluggish.