What to do

Next week I'll be in a wedding for my brother. I'm super excited for it except for one thing: my biological mother will be there. 
The problem is that I haven't spoken to the woman since before I was married 9 years ago. She was very mentally abusive to me growing up. Growing up her and her boyfriend would call be fat and made me feel like a whore. I was an honor student who had 3.5-4.0 GPA. She made having a relationship with my father very hard. I even stopped speaking to him because I was so brainwashed. She worked at the banks where I had an account and would take money out without me knowing. When I turned 18 when had an apartment together where I paid all the bills but rent while going to school. I had $1 in my bank account at time and she would have her hair and nails done because she needed to look good for her job. I sold my car and she demanded the money for it to pay off her boob job. 
She turned my family against me when I fell in love and wanted to marry my husband. She didn't even come to my wedding and neither did 50 people from her side of the family. 
Well I'm so scared to see her next week. My brother keeps asking me how I'm going to act towards her. That she's a changed woman. Not from what I've seen. If I walk past her work, she stands outside and glares at me. She shouts at me when my friends are around. I want nothing to do with her but I'll have to play nice to make his day go smoothly. At least she'll be at his wedding. 😔
I wish I was making up my past with her because it wouldn't hurt so much. 
ETA: because of her my the last thing I ever heard from my grandmother before she passed was that she never wanted to hear from me again. That she couldn't believe what I had done to my mother. She stopped talking to me a year before she passed away. Both my grandparents went to their graves hating my husband who did nothing to deserve it.