tips for caring for husband after his surgery

Alex • Blessed to be mom to our miracle IUGR baby boy! I've never met someone as strong and brave as he is!
My husband just had surgery on his left shoulder... they had to cut and smooth his cartilage so that his tendon can hopefully go back in place (it's inflamed). So far he is doing okay, but he still has the nerve block in his system. Once that wears off, the doctors inform me that shoulder surgery is very painful healing process. 
I am doing my best and want to do my best at helping his recovery along. I love him so much and hate seeing him in pain. 
But I'm also 23 weeks pregnant and I think I may have overdid it today because I was taking care of him I forgot to eat lunch and haven't gotten rest... I want to make sure he is okay so I don't want to sleep if he needs me! At least not during the first 24 hours, plus we have 2 dogs that need attention. I have a headache and am super cranky and exhausted so I know I overdid it.
Anyway, does anyone have tips to help speed hubbys recovery along?