too early for abdominal ultrasound

So I thought my LMP was 4/6/17 implant 4/19 which makes my 7 w2 d. I was having a lot of what i thought was gallbladder issues and had gallbladder ultrasound today.
 My first Ob isn't until 6/8. 
I asked at the end if he could look at scan my uterus. He did and see "are you sure you're pregnant; I don't see anything." No sac nothing. He showed me my bladder and said it was empty. He said my fallipian tubes showed no ectopic 
An ob nurse friend said you can't see anything with abdominal US this early and certainly can't see fallipian tubes abdominal either. She told me you need transvaginal US and semi full bladder.
This is not my first Pregnancy. I feel Prego, no bleeding but uterine pressure. HELP anyone do too early and find out success?!
I might be off on due date my 1 week would potential make me as early as 6 w 1d?! I even bought two tests and got quick BFP. Plus sign brighter than control line lol