TTC emotions

Okay ladies so this post is really just for some encouragement, I'm 21 and my boyfriend is 26 and we decided that we were going to try to have a baby (my first his second) when I had a "scare" for lack of a better word, and started crying when it said I wasn't pregnant. We've done everything we've been told since we decided to try, basically having sex every second we can, different positions, making sure I orgasm too, he'll even my period didn't stop him since we heard you are possibly more fertile during your period. I started having symptoms like craving pickles when I hate pickles and then throwing up when I eat or smell almost anything besides pickles, I've been emotional, felt bloated so I took a test tonight and it's negative.. I'm honestly very distraught and would just like to hear any tips for conceiving or words of encouragement or honestly just anything that may help. My emotions are just out of control right now and my uterus might as well be crying every time I see a baby now because I long to be a mommy so bad.