My kids just don't listen!

Izzie • Mommy of a boy and three girls 👦👧🏻👶🏻👧🏼
I have three kids. A 7 year old, a 5 year old and an 8 month old. My daughter who is 5 is so stubborn. She doesn't listen to a word i say. She's always yelling and crying and hitting. No matter how calm I am, she will smack me if she doesn't get her way. She doesn't respect me or any other adult for that matter. I know I'm doing something wrong but don't know what it is. She is a beyond hyper child. It's getting to a point where my in laws and parents keep commenting on how bad her manners are and it honestly hurts. Not a good feeling at all. Any advice for a tired and exhausted mother 😩