TTC Testing

I'm super new to this app, but my SO and I have been TTC for about 4 yrs now and, nothing!! We've seen doctors and specialists and I've had surgery to clear my tubes( we found out they were badly blocked) last august. I recently went in for a check up since we hadn't gotten pregnant yet and they told me that I was still clear and I should try to conceive naturally for a little longer and if it didn't take then we need to consider other means 😠. Anyway, I really have good vibes about this month! So does my SO. We tried a few different things that I saw recommended on here. So my question is, do I have to wait till my missed period to test or can I test early? I'm only a week away from AF, but I've been experiencing some pregnancy symptoms such as sore breast, sleeping for hours and major mood swings. Let me know what you guys think please!!! Sorry for the long post 🤗