EC alternatives

Hey, looking for a little advice.
Made a bit of an error in judgement on Thursday evening and long story short, I'm looking for emergency contraceptive alternatives. I live in a country where regular EC's/plan b's are not available. I understand that some regular birth control pills can be used, but google is letting me down informationwise and I'm a little stressed.
I was on the pill last month (was only on it briefly) but ended things with my SO and decided to go off of it. Hoping that will count for some back up. As of my last period (which was while I was on the pill) my next one is due in 10 days- again my cycle may be all over the place due to stopping bc.
After a little googling I decided to take 4 gynera tablets, followed by another 4 12 hours later. This was probably about 12 hours after the act.
Will this be effective enough? Do I need to take four every 12 hours or will two doses suffice as best they can?
Slightly stressed and feeling pretty stupid. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Update: it's been twelve hours and I've just taken a third dose of four. Fingers crossed.