Is it to early to test?

I'm on CD 30, normally have 32-35 days in my cycle. AF is expected to show on May 30th. I last tested on CD 28 with a first response digital and BFN. My luteal phase is 11-12 days. I go to the doctor on June 1st. I'm not good at being patient but I hate seeing that dreadful BFN. My boobs have hurt and itched for several weeks now and can see a little difference in the color, ever since last AF I've cramped. Mostly on the right side but last week or so been both sides and nothing major just enough to know it's there. Had several dizzy spells with no sugar or bp problems, and was hydrated. I've had lots of nausea off and on this last week and headache. I don't count my backache as a symptom since I had back problems. I've been taking OvaBoost and he has been taking fertility aid for men for about a month now. Just wondering if Mother Nature is playing tricks on me or if it could finally be real this time. I have one last test and it's a pink line test, when should be the best time to take it?