what is going on with me?!

So I been on the pill for about a year now and I have had this app for well over a year and it says today I am late by 3 almost 4 days but I have no PMS symptoms like I normally always do before my period like I feel completely fine besides getting a headache every so often or feeling gassy. My last set of active pills ends today. Should I be worried? I never had this happen before and me and my bf do it often sometimes but we try and be careful but sometimes I am exposed to precum so idk what to do. I am confused I know not to worry tell its officially late and it will be after tomorrow and I have yet to feel any symptoms of it about to start and I usually always at least start having cramps before hand or sore breasts but I have been feeling sick to my stomach and headaches and feeling gassy with headaches the last week or two but headaches and grassiness aren't my normal PMS symptoms