Babies and Beer


So I remember growing up sitting on the patio with my sisters, cousin, my dad and an uncle. My dad and uncle where drinking beer and my little sister who was maybe 8 months at the time and my cousin who would be around a year where sucking on the empty beer bottle. Obviously not actually getting a lot a real alcohol but my dad said babies live the taste of beer. I'm sure the times have changed a lot in 16 years and now most parents would freak out. So my question is is it okay to let a baby do this?  

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Posted at
I'm also not a fan of letting really young children get a hold of glass bottles or aluminium cans. Just not a great combo all around.


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Latinos do 


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Idk, I remember getting to sip the foam off the beer. All the kids in my neighborhood did when the parents would be having a bbq. But I grew up in the 80s in WI. It wasn't uncommon to see kids in bars with their families. 


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A cold hard NO. Babies & children do not need to be drinking alcohol of any kind ever. That's so bad for  a child especially since they are not fully developed. The legal drinking age is 21 for a reason. A persons brain is not fully developed yet until they get in their early twenties, so alcohol (which is a drug) could seriously do some damage to a child especially a baby. I would also consider that abusive giving stuff like that to your kids. Just NO.


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It seems like a stupid idea in general. 


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They don't go together 


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I want to say 'No' however, my dad and uncles all did this with myself, siblings and cousins.. it was a loving way to include us. Sort of an old skool way of showing affection in my family..


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That's what my family did with like all the grandkids. I remember when my cousins were born and seeing it. I don't think it's a big deal but I was raised around it. My husband and I don't drink so our children won't be around it though


Lima • May 28, 2017
My great grandma always rubbed rum (dipper her pinkie in) on the gums of teething babies too. I think it's just an era thing lol


Posted at
When they are teething no. My dad put a dab of rum on my nieces gums to help her out a little. The cold bottle and the little bit of alcohol is soothing for them. It's not going to hurt them and it's definitely not something that should be done all the time. I see no issue with it. I used to think it was fun to run and go get a beer for my dad. And drink my soda with him. Same with my uncles. The only thing I really have an issue with is smoking around kids. That's about it. Things like drinking and letting the kids run and get a beer from the cooler. A sip of beer here and there when there like 8/9 isn't going to hurt anyone. None of the kids in my family are addicted to anything. I don't see an issue with it.