help please

My really good friend is in an emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically abusive relationship. You wouldn't think that could happen with them being so young, they're both in 7th grade, but it really does. He ignores her, tells her to shutup, is passive aggressive, doesn't accept her apologies when she really means them. She finds herself apologizing when she's not at fault whatsoever, avoids posting certain things on social media bc it will make him mad, and has even stopped hanging out with some of her friends because her boyfriend doesn't like them. She even knows he's not good for her but stays with him because she loves him. On the physical side, the other day she told me they were in the hallway in school and he punched her in the stomach hard enough for her to loose her breath for what she said was around 3 seconds. She tried to walk away but he yanked on her backpack and she screamed "leave me alone" then went to the bathroom and cried. This was just before the class period I have her in. She then texted him and apologized and said he was most likely mad because she had made a scene. They've been going on for a year today. I don't know what to do bc all of our friends have told her to leave him, but she refuses to. I've just told her that I don't like it, but I don't control what she does, and she was really thankful that I wasn't like everyone else who just told her to leave him. I want to be able to help her in some way and show her that that's not how a healthy relationship is like. And please don't give me bullshit for our age and say she's too young, I'm not exaggerating anything I've stated here. Any advice would be appreciated