surgery during pregnancy?

I'd love some insights, experiences, etc. I think I may be facing surgery next week. We had our 20wk ultrasound yesterday and baby girl is doing wonderful, is healthy and strong. ... BUT they found a 18cm mass in my abdomen when they were looking for her as well. It's not affecting her yet and it's not in with her. ( some background- I had very lg benign tumors removed from my left ovary last May and the Dec before that as well.) my ob thinks it is the tumor having come back. But it's very lg (grapefruit) sized so I see a high risk ob specialist and a ob oncologist/surgeon next week. I have a feeling I'll be facing surgery by the end of next week! Has anyone had any experience with surgery during pregnancy????? From the studies I have read it looks relatively safe , but still very nervous!!!!!!! Any advice, experiences, and always prayers are appreciated! Thank you!