glucose testing

Hi ladies. So I'm a little concerned. I had my second glucose testing the other day (they did a 1 hour one early one because I was heavier in the beginning and I am over 30). My levels were 68 (the lowest end of normal). Today I got the results of my second test...134 the highest is 140 for my docs! I'm terrified I'm going to go to my next appointment and have to do the 3 hour test! Also, if I get diabetes, I no longer qualify for the natural birthing program at the hospital and I can't birth in the birthing center. I know it's a minor problem but it's been something I've wanted to experience since I had my first baby. Plus, it puts me at a greater risk of having a c-section. Not that I would oppose one to ensure the safety of my son, but my recovery with my daughter was so smooth. It's not something that I want to have happen. Ugh. Any thoughts? Any of you mamas experiencing something similar?