I almost cried in the middle of Kroger

This is my first time posting on here and I wanted to share this! It happened about a couple months ago. I am currently 12 weeks. When my husband and I found out I was pregnant it was exciting yet shocking, we had been trying for about 6months. 
We were out grocery shopping at Kroger a couple weeks after we found out. At this point I have only had 2 positive pregnancy tests. No doctor appointment to confirm the pregnancy or anything. We finish up our shopping and are making our way to the checkout when my husband suddenly vears left down an isle. Confused, I follow him and realize he turned into the baby isle. Not saying anything I'm just watching what he is doing and I watch as he starts looking at diapers. Finally I say, "josh, what are you doing?" He looks at me and says, "looking a diapers to buy, duh!" I stare at him and say, "don't you want to wait until I have my doctors appointment or wait until after the first trimester to make sure I don't lose the baby??" All of a sudden he gets this guilty look on his face, looks down at the ground and says, "there are already 3 diaper boxes in our basement." 
Every time he has gone to the store he had been buying boxes of diapers and stocking them in the basement and I had no idea. I about cried in Kroger it was so sweet. I don't know how it's possible but I think he might be more excited than me!