Ovulation Test Struggle

Jenna • Nerd. Metalhead. Mom of 4 fur babies 🖤 ...and first time pregnant! ✌ Eff you, PCOS! 🤘

My husband and I have been trying for 3 months now. I know it isn't very much time yet, but I'm still concerned! I was on birth control for 4 years that stopped my period that I came off of in January. I thought ovulation tests would be helpful to properly track my cycle again. I've tried since the start to use ovulation tests to pinpoint my fertile window, with no luck. I have has gradually darker lines, but no actual positive in the past 3 months.

I'm beginning to worry that I'm not actually ovulating... Has anyone else experienced this? I tried to talk to my doctor, but she said to make an appointment when we get closer to a year of trying, with no success... It kind of made me feep.as though my concern was not taken seriously.

Perhaps the ovulation tests are just creating more stress for me...