coming off BC

Sarah • Mother to George Owen 21/3/18 💙 Pregnant with Baby Owen #2 29/10/19 💙
We have been trying to conceive for 6 months but I was on the BC pill for almost 10 years! Starting to think that I've messed my body up too much for taking BC for so long. 
Anyone think I have good chances of conceiving this month? That's all we want is a baby to start our family! 
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I was in the pill for 6 years and got pregnancy as soon as I went off it. Some people get pregnant while on it or only missing one or two pills so I don't think that's the issue. It's normal to take up to a year for a healty Couple. Give it time


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I understand it can be scary! I was on BC for 6 years and when we got married I went off. It took a few months for my cycles to stabilize. They were between 21-27 days for 3-4 months. I ended up scheduling a pre-conception visit with an OBGYN. They did an internal ultrasound that looked at my ovaries, tubes, uterus, etc., they did blood work also. I just needed to hear from a doctor that everything looked fine! It really took a weight off my mind. 


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I took it for four years. I don't think the pill is causing any issues.