lost and confused

I'm lost I don't know what to do when my husband and I first started talking about kids I told him I wanted a big family that in total over the course of a life time I wanted to have 4 children and he said we shall see as we go along after our first son turned 2 I wanted to plan on another child and he kept saying no I don't want to talk about it I asked y and he ignored me I felt hurt that he couldn't talk to me that I cried about it then he gave in I got pregnant again then we got into an argument and he tells me that he never wanted any more children other than our son and that he wanted to just give me what I wanted and that two was all I was gonna get out of him I feel bad for being pregnant I feel bad for wanting a big family I love him with all my heart I don't know wether to get on birth control for the rest of my life or to get a tubal ligation even tho I still want more kids I feel like a piece of shit I hurt both physically and mentally for my dreams and my ambitions and I'm gonna see a therapist when I get the chance to make an appointment I would just like to know if I'm to blame if I am the bad person in this situation