first time squirting. normal??

Okay so I just squirted for my first time n idk if it's normal or what to expect for the following day. Before I start imma just say that this is not a sexy story n it's gross to some pple. So I just felt like fingering myself I rarely ever do that so as I was doing that for about 45 min I started feeling like a hard ball in my u know what. Then it started getting bigger feeling like a balloon then poof a whole lot of liquid came out. It was a cleanish yellow white color. No blood or anything. No strong smell. But a whole lot came out. N now I changes and everything but I'm now shaking is all this normal?  Please help. I'm also going by my aunts for a few days so is there anything to expect IF U READING THIS PLEASE RESPOND I WANNA KNOW IF SHAKING AFTERWARDS N THE BALLOON THING IS NORMAL n I also just put on a pad in case I'm still wet. Ik tmi😂😂😂