I'm a cam girl and am getting mixed responses from people. I'm sick of being slut shamed for simply making a profession from my body. I'm not resorting to anything and don't need your pity and I enjoy my job. It is an awesome job and my confidence soared. Sex workers built America and industrialized it. I am my own businesswoman and am making 3x what most people make which I'm saving completely and is have to work 3 other jobs to make the equivalent. My husband supports it and it has spiced up our sex life and has not damaged me or my reputation or relationship at all. I'm sick of being treated like a pariah but I want to know your views. What do you think of us and why? Please I want your honesty and will not judge or hate you for it. This is controversy corner and I am completely pro opinion. Is post a photo but I'm not sure what would be deemed appropriate.