first ultrasound

I went for my first ultrasound today, according to my last period I would be 7 weeks 6 days today however the tech kept saying "I can see the pregnancy but no baby" I'm not entirely sure what she meant but gathered she can see the sac but no baby. Is it possible I am just earlier than we originally thought? Maybe I'm only 5 weeks 6 days? Would you see the embryo at that point?? I am freaking out now. Of course my almost 8 year old daughter came with me to the ultrasound and I now had to explain to her that there might not be a baby 😢 I am so upset and heart broken. We have been trying for 4 years and Ava was so excited to be a big sister. I just don't even know what to think right now. I go to see the doctor on Thursday morning and I guess will find out more then. But in the meantime has anyone else had a similar experience with a happy ending?? Or just this experience is general and what was the outcome?