Kind of scared...


So, we have our anatomy scan for our little girl tomorrow morning. Exciting.... but i am kind of scared.

When we lost our son last October at 15 weeks 3 days, they gave me an ultrasound when we could not find his heartbeat. All i saw was a still body profile, we couldn't even see of he was a boy or girl. The next day when i went to be induced, they did another ultrasound before they gave me the medicine (my mother had been told i passed away 3 times when she was expecting me, enduring 2 d&c's where luckily they missed me. So she, myself hubby, and myself asked for another ultrasound, just to be sure.).

In my mind, i still have that picture, just his little profile. I am afraid we will go in tomorrow and she will not be moving anymore, afraid she will leave us hours before the ultrasound like he did. Though, as i lay here, she is moving around in there, kicking, turning, trying to find her comfy spot. She is so much stronger, and makes it known she is ok. But i am still so scared. I even told my hubby what i thought. He tells me it will be ok.

Trying to ease my mind, just hard to. I plan on begging (and i do mean begging) the ultrasound tech to take as many pictures as she can for us. I want to be able to look at her as much as i can when i get scared. I plan to record it on my phone as well, our 7 year old will be in school, so i want him to be able to see it later.